# Order query interface
This interface is for WechatPay, Alipay and UnionPay only.
# Request URL:
Endpoint: https://api.iotpaycloud.com/v1/query_order
# Request method: POST
field | required | type | sample | description |
mchId | y | String(30) | 1000000010 | merchant id assigned by IOTPay |
payOrderId | y | String(30) | P20160427210604000490 | order id assigned by third party payment system |
mchOrderNo | y | String(30) | 20160427210604000490 | order id assigned by merchant |
sign | y | String(32) | C380BEC2BFD727A4B6845133519F3AD6 | signature |
use either payOrderId
or mchOrderNo
, use one of them
# return result
field | type | sample | description |
retCode | String(16) | SUCCESS | SUCCESS/FAIL, retCode indicate communication status, need to check resCode for transaction |
retMsg | String(128) | signature error | if not empty, it is error message |
The following fields will return if retCode
field | required | type | sample | description |
resCode | y | String(16) | SUCCESS | SUCCESS/FAIL |
errCode | y | String(32) | SYSTEMERROR | error code |
errCodeDes | y | String(128) | system error | error message |
The following fields will return if retCode
and resCode
are both SUCCESS
field | required | type | sample | description |
mchId | y | String(30) | 20001222 | |
mchOrderNo | y | String(30) | 20160427210604000490 | |
channelId | y | String(24) | WX_JSAPI | |
currency | y | String(3) | CAD | |
amount | y | int | 100 | |
clientIp | n | String(32) | | |
device | n | String(64) | WEB | |
notifyUrl | y | String(200) | http://xxx.com/notify.php | |
subject | y | String(64) | product title | |
body | y | String(256) | product desc | |
param1 | n | String(64) | ||
param2 | n | String(64) | send the original value back | |
extra | y | String(512) | {“openId”:”o2RvowBf7sOVJf8kJksUEMceaDqo”} | |
paySuccTime | n | Long | 1505049094262 | payment success time |
channelOrderNo | n | String | wx20170910211043fb206e92260071822007 | |
status | y | int | 2 or 3 | order status, success: 2 or 3 |
# order status
0: created but not paid
1: user is paying, e.g. user is typing password
2: paid
3: paid and notified the merchant(if notifyUrl used)
4: cancelled by system
9: cancelled by user
when polling order status, only 2 or 3 is success, if status > 3, the order won't be success again, the polling can be stopped.