
Before integrate

Before starting integration, merchants need to sign a contract with IOTPay for related products.

Merchant gets the merchant ID and merchant key of the test account.

Merchants need to provide IOTPay with APPID for binding with APP or WeChat mini program to access WeChat payment.


Transfer methodUsing HTTP
Request methodPOST/GET
Signature algorithmMD5

Parameter specification

Transaction amount: default CAD, in cents, no decimal. USD is only supported if you are a American Merchant.

Choose right payment channel


Payment channelScenarioNote
WX_JSAPIPayment in WeChat Mini ProgramMini program need APPID
WX_JSAPIPayment in WeChat Web BrowserThe endpoint is payForSubmit rather than create_order. This channel supports CNY
WX_NATIVEPC WEB, POS machineUser use WeChat to scan the QR code generated by merchant. This channel supports CNY
WX_MICROPAYoffline shopsMerchant scan the barcode on user's WeChat, scan device required
WX_APPPayment from merchant's appMerchant need provide APPID to IOTPay, WeChat pay SDK required


Payment channelScenarioNote
ALIPAY_WAPweb in mobile browserPage in mobile browser or app's web view. This channel supports CNY
ALIPAY_PCweb in pc browserWill redirect to Alipay web to log in with account. This channel supports CNY
ALIPAY_QRPC website, POS terminal with screenUser use Alipay to scan the QR code generated by merchant
ALIPAY_MICROPAYoffline shopsMerchant scan the barcode on user's Alipay, scanner required
ALIPAY_MOBILEpay from merchant's appAlipay SDK required


Payment channelScenarioNote
UPI_SEQUnionPay Online paymentRedirect to UnionPay web or application. This channel supports CNY
UPI_QRPC website, POS terminal with screenUser use UnionPay App to scan merchant QR Code
UPI_MICROPAYoffline shopsMerchant need scanner, offline
UPI_APPPayment from merchant's appUnionPay SDK required

About WX_JSAPI Payment in WeChat Browser:

User open page in WeChat app and redirect to IOTPay page to fulfill payment. After create order, payUrl will be returned for merchant to redirect to.

List of All Channels

Endpoint URL:
Channel IDChannel description
WX_JSAPIPayment in WeChat Mini Program
WX_MICROPAYMerchant scan customer's WeChat payment barcode
WX_NATIVECustomer use WeChat to scan merchant's QR code
WX_APPPayment from merchant's app with WeChat pay SDK integrated
ALIPAY_MOBILEAlipay in merchant's app with alipay sdk integrated
ALIPAY_PCAlipay in web page in pc browser
ALIPAY_WAPAlipay in web page in mobile browser
ALIPAY_QRCustomer use alipay to scan merchant's payment barcode
ALIPAY_MICROPAYMerchant scan customer's alipay payment barcode
UPI_MICROPAYUnionPay(Merchant scan customer's QR code)
UPI_QRUnionPay(Customer scan merchant's QR code)
UPI_SEQUnionPay Online payment (redirect to UnionPay web, or app)
UPI_APPUnionPay Online payment (using UnionPay SDK)
CC_PAXSemi integration with Credit card terminal
Endpoint URL:
Channel IDChannel description
WX_JSAPIPayment in WeChat Web Browser

Currency supported

  • Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay online: support both CAD and USD;
  • Credit card, UnionPay offline: support only CAD;
  • CAD: Canada dollar--Canada company
  • USD: US dollar--American company
Last Updated: